Thursday, April 9, 2009

How Early is Too Early?

You might think this question is only about the twins, who have decided to start waking up earlier and earlier. It's definitely harder to train two that 5:30 or 6:00 is too early for wee little girls to be awake than it was just one. Granted, I am really tired. Constantly. But the question is only partly about that. It is also about Aurora. When should I teach her certain things, and do I want to do too much too early? Goodness knows, I don't want to push her and turn her off learning. I also don't want to stick her on a conveyor belt of my own making. But I do expect a lot from my children and want to give them the best education possible, in academics, as well as in spirituality and in life.

The last month has involved my freaking out. Considerably freaking out. I think it would behoove me to sit down and calm down, praying for a few more weeks before taking a drastic measure and sticking Rora in a charter school (I've looked at around twenty in the last two weeks) just so I stop freaking out. The best advice I have received about this is that Rora is only just five and home schooling is supposed to be fun, so CALM DOWN! It is true. There are so many fun ways to learn those things that are important to learn. And, with the Culture Passes from the Library, we will have many, many fieldtrips to remember that learning is fun.

And I can always try making black-out curtains for the twins' room to fool them into thinking it's night time.

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